
Patient Sign-Up / Sign-In

Visitors can directly register themselves as Patient through this website by clicking Sign-Up/Sign-In link on the top right corner of the main home webpage. Patients can also request Receptionist or Secretary in person while visiting clinic or on phone call for registration. Doctor can also directly register the patient from Doctor Portal.

Once the required details are recorded into MedEx application, it will create patient’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) folder as well as a unique EMR Code for the patient.

The patient can sign-in to the patient portal on the web from his laptop, desktop, Tablet or mobilephone using the ID and Password. All information related to the patient visits (In-clinic, Video Consultation, In-house) including history, prescriptions, tests, billingetc can be accessed bythe patient or the doctor anytime and from anywhere.

Patient is advised not to share the password with anyone to keep his/her personal data secret.